CLI file attached to this article can be used for this EZ 1-2S AIO released in November 2021.

CLI file for EZ 1S-2S AIO named "F006_CLI_1.txt " is attached to this article. Before loading the file, you should reset settings in Betaflight. And after resetting settings, you should load the vtx table in Betaflight.

1. You should reset settings in Betaflight first. Go to "Setup" Tab and Click " Reset Settings" 

2. After resetting all the settings, load the CLI file. Go to " CLI" and click " Load from file" and then load the CLI file named "F006_CLI_1.txt " attached to this article.

3. The VTX table is blank after loading the cli file by default, so you should load the vtx table by going to " Video Transmitter" tab and then click " Load from file"  You could load the vtx table attached to this article named "vtx_table_us.json "  FYI: this vtx table is for all TBS VTX  device ( US version). Please check out your local regulations carefully before using this vtx table if you are located in other regions since regulations varies a lot on legal channels.

4. Don't forget to hit " Save" button after loading the vtx table.