Q: When will my order be shipped out ?
A: It will be shipped out 1-2 days after you place it during weekday (Monday-Friday Beijing Time). If you place an order during weekend, it will be shipped out on Monday when we are back to work.
Q: I have made an order on TUNERC but can't find my tracking link and number.
A: By default, the tracking link and number will be sent to you after the order is completed. Please check your mailbox to see if the e-mail has been sent to your spam box.
The following is the template of the e-mail you will receive after the order is complete. You will receive an e-mail titled as " Your TUNERC order is now complete ". The tracking link and number will be included in the body text of the mail.
If you still can't find out the tracking information, please feel free to submit a ticket.